Search Criteria Editor
The search criteria editor allows you to utilise the full power of the search engine by allowing you to perform more complicated searches by using the free text criteria format.
The Advanced Search
may also be used to perform searches.
Advanced Query
Criteria may be built up using the following grammar:
expr ::= expr { AND | OR } expr
expr ::= NOT expr
expr ::= (expr)
expr ::= field { < | <= | = | > | >= | CONTAINS |STARTS WITH | ENDS WITH } value
expr ::= field BETWEEN value AND value
expr ::= field DOES [ NOT ] CONTAIN value
expr ::= field IS [ NOT ] LIKE value
value ::= "search text here"
The following fields may be used in search criteria:CheckedOut
, CheckedOutBy
, CheckedoutDelta
, Created
, CreatedBy
, CreatedDelta
, DiscussionText
, DocumentId
, DocumentText
, DocumentType
, Filename
, Filesize
, Folder
, FullPath
, GeneralText
, IntegrationId
, IsCheckedOut
, IsImmutable
, Metadata
, MimeType
, Modified
, ModifiedBy
, ModifiedDelta
, Tag
, Title
, Workflow
, WorkflowID
, WorkflowState
, WorkflowStateID