From:                                         Arenthia L. Herren

Sent:                                           Monday, June 04, 2012 10:52 AM

To:                                               ''

Cc:                                               ''

Subject:                                     Cell Models




Remember how we were talking about 3-D models for student study aids on Thursday?


Here’s a link to Carolina Biological Supply Company with some examples of the models that we could house in the library for students to check out and study with. Many of them are on the expensive side but I am sure we could rustle up funding from somewhere, I know that the anatomy lab on Lee bought the models for the Rush Library.


I am not certain if they are a vendor that Edison already uses, we can find out that info from the Bio dept I am sure, and if they aren’t we can request a catalog from an established vendor or set up a new purchase order if we need to when the new fiscal year starts in July.


Hope all is well!





Arenthia Herren


Faculty Librarian


Edison State College

Hendry Glades Center

1092 E. Cowboy Way


(863) 674-6013